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The ICE Network has recognized the significance of engaging faith-based/religious institutions in climate change issues. Over 85% of the world’s population is religious. There is more than one religious institution in a local community, whether it is a church, temple, or mosque. Religious organizations have human and financial resources to help people understand climate change and take measures for it. Senior religious leaders exercise considerable moral influence in their own communities and among key decision makers.If they are able to communicate effectively about climate change and integrate it into their teachings, they have the potential to influence people’s hearts, minds, and actions. This is the reason that religious organizations and leaders can contribute to raising awareness of their adherents and help them find their own solutions on climate change through education.

We know education means empowering people and helping them make their own decisions. In accordance with this, the ICE Network is focusing on educating religious organizations and their followers.


The ICE Network aims to work on climate education at the national level through the following education initiatives -

Training for Trainers: The ICE Network is going to train people as trainers, who can then educate religious leaders. Before conducting training programs for cultivating trainers, we are developing and publishing textbooks, materials, manuals, etc. on the phenomena, main drivers, and solutions for climate change. 

Training for Religious leaders: The trainers are educating religious leaders on how to educate their followers about climate change according to their value system based on their religion, and also on how to transform their churches/temples/mosques/monasteries into environmentally friendly religious institutions. The training also includes educating on the methodologies and issues related to climate advocacy.

Training for the public (religious people): The religious leaders, who are educated on climate change, educate their followers to have a holistic view on climate change, and the approaches to addressing climate change by taking action at the personal, community and national level.


A-Z workshop


A-Z workshop Sri Lanka

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